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All Faiths Beautiful
Oct. 6, 2007 - Aug. 31, 2008
Zanvyl A. Krieger Main Building
Image Gallery

by Sanwar Khan

About the Exhibition
Be it deeply personal, a work in progress, a torment or a blessing - what we believe and especially what we don't is our most precious life-shaping, human experience. Freedom to express that personal belief is central to any notion of liberty. "ALL FAITHS BEAUTIFUL: From Atheism to Zoroastrianism, Respect for Diversity of Belief" was dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the birth of the great Dervish mystic poet, Rumi, and inspired a two-day Rumi Fest. The inclusion of Frank Warren’s anonymous PostSecrets of what individuals (including various clergy) have confessed was their sincere belief, or disbelief, in Creator and religion resulted in a #1 NY Times Bestseller collaboration.
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