Home & Beast
Oct. 7, 2006 - Sep. 2, 2007
Zanvyl A. Krieger Main Building
Image Gallery

Date unknown Copper on wood base Permanent Collection of the American Visionary Art Museum

Date unknown Wood and acrylic paint Collection of Clyde Jones

Photo: Dan Meyers

2006 Mixed media Collection of Loring Cornish Photo: Dan Meyers

1976 Carved and painted wood Collection of John and Susan Jerit
About the Exhibition
"'Tutto il mondo é un paese,' proclaim the Italians - 'All the world is one small hometown' - and the well-being of all its inhabitants is intimately entwined. Opened for press review on Saint Francis (The Patron Saint of Animals & Ecology) Day, 'HOME & BEAST' was a deep dive into the very notion of 'home,' as well as an artful love song promoting a far more responsible relationship and kinship to the animals with whom we share our one small, blue ball of a world, home. The wonder of what extraordinary gifts animals are in our lives, including the latest studies on dogs' ability to correctly smell cancer and alert to epileptic seizure, was on full view alongside a parade of sculptural beasts and artists' expressions of what ‘home’ really means." - Founder, Director, and Chief Curator, Rebecca Hoffberger
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