The Art of Storytelling: Lies, Enchantment, Humor & Truth
Oct. 6, 2012 – Sep. 1, 2013
Zanvyl A. Krieger Main Building
Image Gallery

2009. Mixed media. Collection of the artist.

Hand Carved Dolls/From Red Wood/Gowns by Ruby and Small Totem by Calvin and Ruby Black. "Possum Trot" film by Light-Saraf Films

2010. Cut Tyvek. Collection of the artist.

2012. Machine embroidery on fabric. Collection of the artist.

2007. Mixed media on paper. Collection of Larry Kanter.

2006. Emulsion paint on canvas. Courtesy of the children of Friends International (Mith Samlanh Program), Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Photo by Dan Meyers
About the Exhibition
"From scripture to fairy tale, cartoons to cyberbullying, the raw power of stories to inspire and enchant, spread lies or to inform, simply has no equal. THE ART OF STORYTELLING: Lies, Enchantment, Humor & Truth was the American Visionary Art Museum's supremely original exhibition featuring embroidery, diorama, sculpture, film, graffiti, and PostSecret confession—promoting all manner of acute 'visual listening' and delight for the whole family. A major educational component was in joining forces with educators to help prevent student cyber-bullying and to celebrate Maryland’s passage of “Grace’s Law” - among America’s strongest anti-bullying, civility, legislation. The embroidered first person testimony of Holocaust survivor, Esther Krinitz, with their heartbreaking tenderness, formed the exhibition’s heart, along with tiny fairy furniture formed out of gathered woodland materials, the multi-decade creations of Mike and Debbie Schramer." - Founder, Director, and Chief Curator, Rebecca Hoffberger
our generous sponsors
Francis Goelet Lead Charitable Trusts • Joannie, the Queen of Hearts, & Her Knights in Shining Armour, Dr. Harry Lee Friedman & Mr. Ryan James Christos Hamilos • Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Anonymous • Bunting Family Foundation • Max's Taphouse • Lisa and Paul Revson • Urban Chic
Jane Daniels • John Sondheim and Emily Greenberg • Kiwanis Club of Baltimore • Philip E. Klein & Harriet J. Klein Foundation, Inc. • Thomas McCabe • Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Pakula • Arnold and Alison Richman • Sylvan/Laureate Foundation
Emile Bendit, M.D. • Mary Catherine Bunting • Rosalee and Richard Davison • JoAnn and Jack Fructhman • Hecht-Levi Foundation, Inc. • Betsy & George Hess and MIDABI Philanthropic Fund • Maryellyn Lynott • Two Boots Pizza
Exhibition Supporter
Jan Weinberg