(1957– )
Emily Duffy
Emily Kate Chapman Duffy was born in Philadelphia, PA, in 1957 and has lived in California since the age of five. A graduate of the University of California at Berkeley in Fine Art, (1993) she was a teaching assistant for ceramic sculptor Richard Shaw. She worked in the fashion industry for thirteen years and has a degree in Fashion Design from the Fashion Institution of Design and Merchandising (1982). Duffy is the director of the San Francisco Bay Area's ArtCar Fest.
Since 1993, Duffy's work has been featured in galleries and exhibitions throughout the West Coast and Canada. Duffy's BraBall sculpture (an eighteen-hundred pound ball of brassieres) is part of the American Visionary Art Museum's permanent collection. Her MondrianMobile is owned by ArtCar World in Douglas, Arizona.
To learn more about Emily Duffy & her Bra Ball, visit: http://www.braball.com/